Just Right

We both were designed for everything within our bodies to work Just Right. You have major organs in your body that all work together to help you digest, breathe, sleep, blink, and hundreds of other automatic functions that make you a miracle in motion.


Beneath the Surface

We both are made of trillions of moving parts inside of us. You are made of trillions of cells, molecules, and atoms and I am made up of trillions of stars, planets, moons, asteroids, and galaxies.


Constant Motion

Both of our insides are always in constant motion. You may not feel it, but there is constant activity going on inside and outside of your body.


Active Expansion

We both have the desire to expand and grow during every single second. You will always want to do something. Regardless of what “that something” is, that desire in you will always be active so how you use it will determine how far you expand in life.


Energy Vibrations

Both of us are made of vibrating energy. Your vibration is heavily affected by the emotions that flow through your body. You can feel joy, anger, shame, confidence, jealousy, inspired, and many other ways that all determine what type of energy you give off.
